On my honor, I will do my best, To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Eagle Scout Court in Honor of Dan Delap

   On April 21, 2013 a Eagle Court of Honor was held to honor Dan Delap who finished the requirements to become an Eagle. He'd been working hard after setting his sights on reaching the goal by a certain time frames.The welcome and Intro was given by Michael D Hansen, and the open prayer was given by Rob Tyler.

 The Flag Ceremony and Pledge was given by Troop 972.
A special guest was then  announced...  A real eagle and his trainer were introduced  and he shared information about the qualities of the eagles.

The Presentation of the " On My Honor Award was given by Bishop Baumgartner.

 Commendation and formation of the Eagle's Nest was given by Michael Hansen.

Eagle Charge by Dave Owen

Remarks were then given by his parents Lisa and Dale Delap.

Closing Prayer was given by Roy Baran and Refreshments were served.

A special thanks was extended to all those who assisted with Dan's Eagle Scout Project which consisted of planting trees at the Calvin Smith Elementary School and at the LDS Bennion Stake Center.

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